Like a Ninja Page 3

Here's page three of "Like a Ninja" (my new graphic novel) in which Adam tries to be philosophical about the cost of botox for his messed-up vocal cords. Note the "lollipop" building in Columbus Circle before its ill-fated "re-skinning" in 2005.

Like a Ninja Page 2


Here's page two of "Like a Ninja" (my new graphic novel) in which our hapless hero Adam attempts to negotiate the American health care system. In this book, Adam has developed "Spasmodic Dysphonia" (partially paralyzed vocal cords), a condition I've had in real life for the last 32 years. Thank god for the miracle of botulism toxin (and access to the Canadian health care system).

Like a Ninja Page 1

I meant to take an entire year off from doing comics to devote myself to "fine aht" but I kept thinking about all the crazy stuff that happened to me while I worked in the music business in Manhattan at NAME REDACTED DUE TO NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT so I decided to get back to work on my ENTIRELY FICTIONAL graphic novel "Like a Ninja".

Here's the first page, newly redrawn. I'll post a page a week until it's done - which'll be summer 2028, since it's 210 pages!

Devs Qvi, 2024

 Here's Devs Qvi, a new version of one of my older digital photo collages. It's based on an illustration from the "Sforza Hours," a medieval prayer book (see below). The title includes a deliberate transliteration of the original caption, which was "Deus Qui" ("God Who" in Latin) and used the ancient Roman "V" instead of "U".

I'd found the Sforza illustration on a CD-ROM disk of old paintings and was looking for a way to base an art piece on it when I came across some (cheap bootleg) "Outer Space Men" toys in a retro store in Los Angeles. I was delighted by the number of formal correspondences between the St. Michael figure and "Commander Comet" - the wings, the red boots, the shape of the scale balance versus the shape of the crossbow, etc - as well as between the Devil and "Colossus Rex", so I used them in the piece.

I had a hard time not feeling sympathy for the Devil, trapped as he is in predestination, but I also admired the merciless innocence of the angel, and his fabulous blue bouffant. As a funny side note, the Devil's face in the older (1997!) version was posed by a friend who was a practicing Satanist.