Rough Pearl Page 12: Hearth and Home

This week, Adam is ready for a nice relaxing dinner.

Click on the image to read the whole page.

Moon Prince Page 97: Only a Lad

This week, Max gets dissed.

Click on the image to read the whole page.

Plugs Galore

The day has started with two nice mentions of Fantastic Life!

Tom Spurgeon was kind enough to announce its imminent arrival in comics stores over at The Comics Reporter, and Chris Arrant made it his lead item in this week's "Food or Comics?" at Comic Book Resources.

Rough Pearl Page 11: Life in the Hood

This week: paranoia, bitterness, etc.

Click on the image to see the whole page.

Moon Prince Page 96: The Moon Pirates

This week, the Moon Pirates manifest themselves!

Click on the image to see the whole page.

Bat People on the Moon?

While we're waiting for this Friday's action packed installment of the Moon Prince, I thought it might be fun to show you a few of my influences in writing this part of the story. The idea to have bat-people on the Moon actually goes back all the way to 1835, to a famous hoax published in the old New York Sun that claimed astronomers had spotted creatures on the lunar surface using an enormous new telescope. Wonderful drawings of these bat-men were published and caused a huge stir at the time. Here are a few of them:

You can read a fascinating article about the Great Moon Hoax here.

And my list of influences for this part of the story wouldn't be complete without mentioning Jack Kirby's great comics series Kamandi the Last Boy on Earth, which I devoured as a kid. The ninth issue of the story featured bat people battling astronauts in a balloon! Here's the cover (you can click on any of these images for larger versions):

Rough Pearl Page 10

This week, it's still very confrontational.

Click on the image to see the whole page.

Moon Prince Page 95: We Don't Stand a Chance!

This week, things get scarier than ever!

Click on the image to see the whole page.

Another Process Post

Since it's always fun to watch little animations, here's one showing how I made the second page of my book Fantastic Life (in stores now! Or order it here!). It starts with the original pencil drawing (you can see how woefully rusty I was after not doing comics drawing for 20 years!) and then goes through various versions of the page showing the changes I made, and finishes with the final color version of the page.

Rough Pearl Page 9: An Outraged Yuppie

This week, Adam is both paranoid and self-righteous. Please don't hate him.

Click on the giant eyeball to see the whole page.

Moon Prince Page 94: Careful, Molly!

This week, all sorts of stuff happens!

Click on the image to see the whole page.

Buy the Book!

I've got a few extra copies of a promotional Moon Prince comic book I had printed up to show at conventions. It's the first chapter of the story - pages 1 to 29 - and it's in really nice full color. If you want one, you can buy it for $5.95 here (and I'll sign every copy sold).

Rough Pearl Page 8

This week, Adam is in commuter van hell.

Click on the image to see the whole page.